Polling Results

Political Polling 4th October 2017

Labour has regained a lead in the polls after Conference season.

The Conservatives have dropped two points since before the conference back to 40%, while Labour has risen two points to 42% to give the party a two point lead.

Leader Approval Ratings

After months of steady improvement, Theresa May?s net approval rating has slumped from -11% from before the conferences to -17% now. Conversely, Jeremy Corbyn has seen a boost with his net approval rating going from -10% to -5%. Currently 16% of Conservative voters now disapprove of the way Theresa May is doing her job as prime minister.

Divisions have damaged the public’s perception of the Tories

For the first time since we asked the question, the Conservative Party is seen as more divided than the Labour Party. Currently, almost a half (47%) think the Conservatives are divided, up from 40% before the conferences, while only 42% said the same about Labour (down from 48% before the conferences).

Now less than quarter (23%) of UK adults expect Theresa May to lead the Tories into the next election, down from 28% before the conferences. Just over half (51%) of Conservative voters think she won?t lead the party into the next election.

See the full tables here.

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